We are pleased to announce that we have been selected as a finalist in the BIFA Awards 2024 in the Sustainable Logistics & the Environment category.
We don’t often enter awards, but following our EcoVadis rating of Silver in 2023, coupled with various environmental initiatives, including our transport emissions software – the CO2ulator – we felt encouraged to be a little more vocal, and so we submitted an entry.
Over the years we have been mindful of this topic, and have quietly done our best to mitigate the environmental impact of the services which we provide. But we haven’t really spoken out about it – to us, it is all about being a responsible company and that is what we have always tried to be since inception back in August 2000.
This year, however, we have made a significant investment in solar energy and have also built our own transport emissions calculation tool so that we can present to our clients a wide range of data that will go towards their mandatory reporting requirements which are coming into force.
We have also published our first Sustainability Report which can be viewed here.
The finals are in January 2025 in London, and we hope that we can turn the logo below into a winners logo! Whether we do or not, being selected as a finalist is recognition in itself, and vindication of our business ethics.